Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Ava!

Oh my sweet Ava, how do I even begin to express how much I love you? It is so hard for me to believe that you are six years old today. I remember January 8th, 2004 so clearly, and now we are in the year 2010. Wow! I feel as though it is all flying by so quickly, and I wish I could make it stop!

Ava Larkin, I am so honored to be your mommy! Every day that I see your sweet face, I know I am blessed. I can remember the first time I saw that sweet face so clearly... I remember the first time I heard "it's a girl!"... it is one of those moments that I will carry with me forever. We never found out with any of you whether you were a boy or girl, and I truly felt hearing the words with all three of you was the most amazing surprise. Hearing "it's a girl" changed my world completely and I am forever blessed!!

January 8th started out as a normal day. I was 35 weeks (and 4 days) pregnant and I was still teaching. I took off a little early this day for my first weekly doctor's visit (it seems I never made it past the first visit with any of you, ha!) and went home that afternoon. I remember wanting to soak in the tub, and while I was laying there... I felt something different. I felt contractions!!! With Parker, I was induced... so I really had no clue what the feeling truly felt like. I walked into the kitchen to talk to your daddy, and then it happened. My water broke! You were officially on your way, and I was beyond excited! Doll came over to get Parker, and we were off. The entire way to the hospital, we talked about the name. Ava Larkin for a girl, Cooper for a boy. So excited...I knew what to expect this time around, and I could not wait to meet you!!!!

You made your entrance at 11:52 pm. I will never forget looking at you, crying with the happiest tears, saying to your daddy- I have a girl, I have a girl". I could cry right now at the thought because in that moment, I knew my life changed again in the sweetest of ways. God had blessed me with a daughter, and I can not thank Him enough.

Every day, in so many little ways, I see you growing up into such amazing young lady!

 Whether it's when you are trying to help out with Lily, walking into the room to you fixing your hair, watching you cross your legs and arms while talking, carrying around your notebook in hand, writing in your journal, packing your purse like I do, wearing your sunglasses whenever we go to the pool... I can see your getting so big.

Taking you to Kindergarten was so hard for me this year because for the past 5 years, you have been my constant companion.  You are the sweet girl who followed me around the house, asking me questions, and laughing with the sweetest of giggles at anything and everything. You always wake up with a smile on your sweet face and make my day brighter just by being in it! You are one of my three treasures Ava Larkin, and I love you more than I could ever express! Happy birthday sweet girl!

Here are a few more pictures from your "Rockstar" Party...

Your little sister was right there with all of you!  Oh, how she wants to be by your side at all times!!

Kelsey and Mary Pat... they both helped teach all of your friends the dance for "Love Story"! 
It turned out so cute!

Noone told you to act the part of Taylor Swift... this is something you did on your own and I was so glad I got it!  It was just such an Ava move!  :) 

With my sweet 6 year old girl!

At the "Cookin' Man" for your birthday dinner! 
You were SO bummed because El Chico closed...but you found another place you loved!

With Grandaddy and Grandmama...

With Mimi and E...

And with Deanne and Shane...

We all had so much fun celebrating with you on your special day!