Saturday, June 5, 2010

White Sox Champions!!

This season for the White Sox was such a FUN one to watch!  They were the regular season champions and then they went on to win the tournament!  Manley coached and Parker had a blast!!!  I am so very thankful to have a husband who loves to spend this time with our kids!  He's a great coach and I know he was so pumped for his team!  Such an exciting time for the players... and maybe even more for the parents!  :)

The winning team!

A great pair!

Loved the trophy!

Parker had a great pitching season this year!  So proud of him!

He also had several homeruns this year too! 

With my sweet little man!

Manley and Lou

With my sweet friend, Sonia. 
Her son, Ethan, was also on the team!