Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Candy Time!

I have always loved Halloween! Maybe it's because I had the best memories from Halloween as a little girl! I lived in the MOST close knit neighborhood growing up. Neighbors not only knew eachother, but spent all spare time together hanging out. There were cook outs behind the Spinosa's house... volleyball games in the in Pennington Gap cove... Easter egg hunts in my parents backyard...traditions of all the kids banging pots and pans at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve... and so many more. The kids that I grew up are not only friends, but feel more like part of our family. And my parents friends feel more like my aunts and uncles. These people will forever hold a special part of my "memory bank"!! It's hard to put into words how much I love these memories... I just know I am blessed because of them. Now that I'm all grown up, I am so grateful for the fact that we live in a neighborhood that is very much like one I grew up in. There are so many young families and everyone knows everyone. It's like our own little community and I love it! I don't think you could ever get the same type of neighborhood as Blue Ridge Park, but I feel its somewhat close to what I had a kid. And Halloween is definitely one of my favorite times in Oakwood! People everywhere... KIDS everywhere... trailer rides... neighbors sitting at the ends of their driveways passing out candy... Just SUCH a fun night!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Just Kickin' It...

Soccer Days are here again!  And this year, we have a new player on the field.  Lily played for the first time this season.  She loved practices, but didn't like all the eyes on her during the game.  She got a little "camera shy" so to speak!  It took alot of coaxing to get her out there, which was so surprising for our out-going little miss...but we took it in stride.  It actually got quite comical towards the end of the season.  :) 
There was another first this year... Manley started to coach Ava's soccer team.  Manley has never played soccer before, but he was a fabulous coach!  We ended up coming in 1st place this season... even tied a competitive team twice.  Such a fun group of girls that did a GREAT job!!! 

Silly Lily hanging out on the sidelines... where she liked to hang this season.

Daddy and his girl!

Sweet neighbor, Garret, who was on Lily's team...

The winning group!

The number 7... for an upcoming 7 year old!!

The "Cheetah Girl" in action...

With her favorite "Coach"