Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two special celebrations!!

This weekend was definitely a time for celebration!  First and foremost, we celebrated a very special birthday!  Grandaddy turned 63!  We are all so very thankful he is here and still fighting the battle against this nasty disease!  We all know it has been a long road for him and he's had so many hard days!  But today, there was no talk of medicines or treatments... there was only talk of cake and candles! It was time to celebrate the life of a very dear man!!  This weekend was also Cathy and Bobby's 40th anniversary!  40 years!!!  They have remained best friends, constant companions, and have taken care of each other for 40 years!  Such a wonderful example they have been to all of their kids!  They've shown everyone what it truly means to stick by each other... "for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health".  We are so thankful to have such each of them in our life, and it was such a blessing to be able to celebrate these special occassions together!

Happy Birthday Grandaddy!!! 

Ava and Grandmother Douglas

Getting a little help from his Lilybug!

Bobby and his sister Marcie

Marcie and Neil

Doug (Manley's cousin) and his kids

Silly boy Andrew

Sweet Lily

Cathy and Bobby

Special cousins

All the grandbabies

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