Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sleepy Yet?

Oh how I love my kids!  They never cease to surprise me!  Even when they are all "tucked in"... they can still make me laugh!  Had to share these funny moments!  :)

Thought my sweet girl was fast asleep, but it looks like she was busy trying on her wardrobe instead!

Look at that sweet face!!

Our den is right below her... we were watching T.V. and I could hear her snoring over the show we were watching!  Again, thought she was tucked away in bed!  :)

Just another view of our sleepy girl!

Such a sweet picture!  Even better because she was listening to Taylor Swift's CD when going to bed!  If only I could see into her dreams this night!

This was from when Ava was 4!  I guess she was worried about rain!

And my all time FAVORITE!  She was supposed to be cleaning her room.  I guess it's safe to say that she would rather sleep on a hard chair, than clean her room!  Hilarious! 

Love my kids!
(Parker has never had a moment like this...YET... but I have no doubt I will catch him someday!)

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