Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here comes the... flower girl!

Back in October, we got a very special phone call.  My cousin Ashley called to tell us her big news!  She was engaged!  She also called to ask Ava a very important question... would Ava be her flower girl!  How excited Ava was!!  I don't think I could keep up with how many times Ava asked "is this the weekend for the wedding?"  She was thrilled and we were both excited for her.  It was such a special job and definitely something she will always remember. 

The wedding was beautiful, the bride was gorgeous, the flower girl was precious beyond words, and the party was a blast!  Such a fun weekend full of great times, many laughs, and lots of dancing!

The sweet flower girl!

the dress was worn by Ashley when she was Ava's age. 
My "Little Grannie" made it, so it was a keepsake!

Parker is a proud brother...

The beautiful bride!

A family shot... minus Lily. 
 We didn't think she was ready for weddings yet.  Ha!

With my sweet girl!

My favorite men!

With Dad and sisters...

Mom and Dad dancing

Katie and Kelsey with my favorite "Little Grannie"


My cousin Justin and his girlfriend

Katie and my cousin Kelly

Just a typical picture with my family...

Fisher and Maugarite

one VERY tired little girl...
she danced her heart out all night and had a blast!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I love Easter!  Such a fun time of year!  Love that Spring is here (even though sometimes, it doesn't feel like it yet!)... Love the time spent together as a family... Love dying eggs and trying to beat Lisa's dye job (Ha!)... Love watching the kids hunt eggs.  It's another holiday that I loved as a kid and one that I want to make special for my own three favorite people!  However, as a child, I never fully grasped what Easter was all about.  I knew we were remembering that Jesus died on the cross and celebrating the fact that He had risen from the dead... but I never really, truly understood what all it meant.  The older I get, the more emotional I get about what the Easter holiday really means.  I sit here and could just cry when I think about all that happened on this weekend. The thought of Jesus carrying the cross on his back...Being nailed to that same wooden cross...suffering and dying...for me... for my husband... for my kids... for my parents & sisters.  Doing it for all of those who believe in Him... Doing it so we could live forever with Him.  It's just overwhelms me to think about His journey.  And it brings such a peace to think about the fact that when the day comes that I am no longer here... I know where I will be.  And because of Him, I will be able to spend eternity in Heaven with all of those I love.  All because He chose to die for me.  Yes, the older I get, the more I come to truly understand the price He paid for me.  What a blessing to truly understand the story!

At the Ruhl's Family Egg Hunt

Not my most favorite Easter shot,
but it's the best we got!  :)

My blessings... who were VERY ready to be done with pictures!

With my sweetie..

An Easter couldn't be complete without the grandkids picture!  :)

"Best" Buddies... ;)

Joey didn't get the memo...

With my sweet Dad!

With our favorite Andrew! 
This was later in the day...(which explains why the girls look a little undone! Ha!)

My favorite picture of the girls! 
Over this year, they have grown to be such good friends!  Love it!