Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun with Friends

I love all the fun things that go on during the summer time... pool days, summer concerts, patio dinners, and NO schedules of any kind!  Only time spent with our favorite people!

So many fun memories made during the summer time!

With my sweetie

fun time with neighbors

Botanic Gardens

Lisa and Michael

Beth and Chad

special friends!

Cook outs with the best of friends...

Ava and Brittain

Lily and Brittain

Ava and Isabella

Forever Friends!!!

Ava and her sweet friend Lindsey!  :)

I'm sure Parker will kill me one day for these next pictures... but I couldn't resist! 
It only shows what a FUN big brother he is!

Letting the girls dress him up and making it fun in the process!

Seriously... he is going to forever resent me for posting these pictures!!

ONE of my all time FAVORITES!!!

So many FUN times had by all! 
I LOVE the summer time... my only complaint is that it goes by too fast!!!!

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