Friday, October 23, 2009

Farm Day

Today, Ava had "Farm Day" at their school.  Such a fun morning!!  The kids dressed up like farm girls and boys...they all looked so cute. 

I laughed when I got there because I heard three funny stories about Ava and her "boy" friends!  A little boy's mom told me that he just loves Ava.  And I realized I already knew this because every time I go in there with a camera... he wants a picture with Ava.  So sweet!

Another mom told me that when she met her little boy at the walker line, he told Ava "don't forget to call me Ava, my number is ...!  Too funny!!

And the last story, made me smile!  This little boy has asked his mom over and over if he could walk Ava home from school.  He said "I'll just make sure she gets home okay, then I'll ride home!"  So stinkin' sweet!! 

I love the innocence of a child!  Before too long, these boys will not even want to sit by girls, but now, they are all great friends!  So sweet!  Ava loves Kindergarten.  She is making so many new friends, and always has a smile on her face whenever she comes home from school!! We are very blessed with such a wonderful school, and many families that are such great friends !  :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun Times!

I think anyone from Blue Ridge Park would agree that we had the BEST neighborhood growing up!  I know everyone has memories from their childhood that make them smile.  And mine are just the same.  They make me smile thinking about each one of them.  Volleyball in the cove every Sunday, watching Ranger games, cookouts, walking on the Murphy's fence, making shadow shows in the Noelker's backyard, calling Sarah to "play" daily, cutting through the Spinosa's backyard, walking on the Swicker's grass and hearing that "tap, tap" on the window when they saw us, seeing all the snowmen, christmas trees, soldiers, etc in every yard for Christmas (just depended on what street you lived on), playing "SPUD" in the cove.  We had the neighborhood to remember, and all of these memories make me smile.  All of these dear people are not only neighbors, they are family!! 

This past weekend, my parents had a little reunion get together!  There were several people that weren't able to make it... and they were definitely missed, but there were also so many that were able to come.  It was so much fun to catch up and of course, share stories from days of the past.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our soccer girl!

Well, I think we have a soccer girl on our hands! It was definitely easy to see that Ava loved the sport because whether she was the goalie or running down the field...she had a huge smile on her face. When it was time to practice and at every game...the little miss was ready to go!! We signed up with Coach Todd's team this year, and she loved every minute of it. She was also able to play with her best buddy, Riley, which was a special treat. This was such a special team and such a fun season! Can't wait for spring soccer to roll around!

Getting ready for game time!

She loved that she was #3...because "we have three kids in our family!" 

Sweet friends!  Riley and Ava

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Fun

I LOVE Fall! It is, without a doubt, my MOST favorite season!!! I love the pumpkins, the changing colors, being outdoors, feeling a cool breeze versus the humid air. Love it all...but one thing that makes Fall even better is being able to do so many fun things the family. Walking through pumpkin patches, finding your way through corn mazes, going on hayrides, "booing" friends, painting pumpkins, trick or treating...I could go on and on!

This weekend, Manley and I took the kids to Cedar Hill Farms in Hernando, MS. It is such a fun place FULL of things to do for the kids. A great time was definitely had by all! :) Parker loved shooting corn...always one of his favorites. Ava loved the pig races (especially getting picked to be the leader for the blue pig)! And Lily LOVED the animals. She was quite hilarious getting close to their faces, talking to them so sweetly. Ava was also such a treat to watch with the sheep. She started to sing "Mary had a little lamb"...It was so precious! Such a great day...the only thing I don't think the kids enjoyed was my love for picture taking!! Ha!

With my favorite people!

My three pumpkins...

Lily talking to her new friend...

My little animal lover!

With my sweet girl!

On the hayride

I see you Lily!

Hanging out on top of the haystack!

With my sweet man!