Friday, October 23, 2009

Farm Day

Today, Ava had "Farm Day" at their school.  Such a fun morning!!  The kids dressed up like farm girls and boys...they all looked so cute. 

I laughed when I got there because I heard three funny stories about Ava and her "boy" friends!  A little boy's mom told me that he just loves Ava.  And I realized I already knew this because every time I go in there with a camera... he wants a picture with Ava.  So sweet!

Another mom told me that when she met her little boy at the walker line, he told Ava "don't forget to call me Ava, my number is ...!  Too funny!!

And the last story, made me smile!  This little boy has asked his mom over and over if he could walk Ava home from school.  He said "I'll just make sure she gets home okay, then I'll ride home!"  So stinkin' sweet!! 

I love the innocence of a child!  Before too long, these boys will not even want to sit by girls, but now, they are all great friends!  So sweet!  Ava loves Kindergarten.  She is making so many new friends, and always has a smile on her face whenever she comes home from school!! We are very blessed with such a wonderful school, and many families that are such great friends !  :)

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