Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

Trick or Treat!!

Halloween 2009! So much fun packed in one short night! We had a house of three excited children... and I think we heard "when will it get dark" more than 5 times! We had a fun little "Lilella" as she called it. She sure was a beautiful Cinderella! I think Lily would have worn anything just to be able to go out and get candy. She was so, so excited! Parker wanted to be something scary, and settled on a skeleton that had a pump to put fake blood inside the skeleton.  Such fun for an 8 year old boy!!  Ava wanted to be...well if you know Ava, you can probably guess what she wanted to be. I knew when I heard the words "I want to be Taylor Swift for Halloween" that it was going to be fun, but in the back of my mind...I knew I was also in for some trouble. I guess I know my sweet Ava all too well!! Goodness, she was so excited! She watched the video from "Love Story" so many times and she kept talking about about what she wanted to wear and how she was wanting to do her hair. I guess hearing all the talk about her "long" hair and how she wanted it to look just like Taylor's, I didn't address it too often. And when the actual day came, I sure wish I had!! Oh my, the things she wanted me to do with her hair. My sweet girl had so many visions of her "locks"... things that were virutally impossible. It made me feel so bad one minute and the next, so frustrated beyond words. But then a great thing happened!! 6:00 came... it was time for the hayride...and she was off! From that moment on...she was in heaven and it turned out to be a great time with the neighbors! Such a fun night, but definitely a night I will not soon forget! ;)

She loved to be Cinderella!  Loved twirling in the dress...

She's getting SO big!

Parker really wanted to be something much more scary than this, but we made a deal... he could buy the thing that had fake blood in it, and I could have a night without scaring Lily beyond words.  She does not like masks... and most were just too scary for a two year old!

Talk about getting old... I was just looking at pictures from when he was Pooh and Zach was Tigger...where have the years gone??

Miss Taylor herself

Love these little faces!!

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