Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Parker

I guess they say that time flies when you're having fun.  Well, I can honestly say that the last nine years of my life have been just that... FUN!  They have been days with lots of laughter and countless memories with a very special little man!  I knew from the moment that I looked at that sweet face, I was in love.  I can remember November 22, 2000 like it was yesterday.  I was 36 weeks pregnant, and had gone in for my first weekly visit to see Dr. Riseling.  I told Manley not to worry about going with me because I was only going in for a quick visit...however, when I had my blood pressure checked and after seeing Dr. Riseling's concerned face... I knew maybe he should have come with me.  About 30 minutes later, the decision was made that I was being induced because of high blood pressure.  I remember making the call to Manley to tell him that I was on my way to the hospital.  (I still laugh at that thought because when I called him, he was at the grocery, with an entire cart of food... and just had to leave.)  I was in a complete state of shock, was in no way prepared for it, but was so very excited to meet this little person.  We did not know if we were having a boy or girl!  So much anticipation and so many tears!!  "I am about to be a mom, I am about to be a mom" is all I remember thinking!  Several hours later, at 1:23 a.m.,we met our sweet boy, James Parker Douglas.

I know every mother can remember the first time they see their baby.  It is a moment in time that will forever be engraved in your memory...a feeling you cannot explain to any other person... but a second where complete love overwhelms you.  You look at that sweet face and know that you are forever changed.  That is how I feel.  I feel that on November 22, I was forever changed because that is the day, I became a mother.  It is one tough job, but it is the most important job I will ever have.  God gave me an amazing gift on that day, and I am better because of it!!!

My sweet Parker has a precious heart.  He loves people and it doesn't matter the age, he will talk to anyone.  :)  When he starts to laugh, I mean really laugh, it makes you start to laugh too.  He cares about his family, and he loves his sisters.  Sure there are times when he isn't so nice to them, but if someone messes with them or if they were doing something that just isn't "good", he is the first to protect them.  He prays the sweetest of prayers, and talks to God like he truly is sitting right beside Him.  He is growing up to be a man of character...someone that wants to make a change in this world.  One thing is for sure... he has made a change in my world.  He is our blessing, and I am so proud to be his mother.  I love you sweet man!  :)  Happy birthday Parker!!!      

Here are some pictures from his big day!

Parker and Logan

Bryce and Zach

 Parker, Drew W, and Drew E.

The cake

Parker and Grandaddy

 "E" and Parker

  With my boy!

After eating at the "cooking man"... Shogun

...with Grandmama and Grandaddy

...with Mimi and E

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