Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Lily!

It is hard to believe that I am actually writing these words... my sweet Lily turned 3 today.   December 5th-I can remember the day so clearly, almost as if it was yesterday, but it was three whole years ago.  How can this be?  

My sweet Lily girl... where do I begin?  How can I explain the joy you have brought into our lives?  Every day I see you grow more and more into such a fun and vivacious little miss... Every day I get to snuggle with you and feel your best Lily hugs...Every day I know how truly blessed I am to be your mommy.  You are one precious little girl, Lily Kathryn.  Oh such joy... and such a sweet handful you love to be.  You may be the "baby" of the group, but you are one independent, determined little girl.  Some things I have learned about you in your first three years are that you will never accept the words "you're not old enough" or "you can do that when you're bigger"...  You may like crayons and dolls, but make-up, markers, and paint are more your style...You've mastered how to say "I loves you" at the most perfect time...You never, I repeat NEVER meet a stranger... and I have definitely learned- if the house is quiet and you are not in eye's view- I need to find you and QUICK!



I've also learned a few other things about that make me smile every day!  You have the sassiest of walks- something we all love to watch, the sweetest brown eyes I've ever seen, a giggle that can melt any heart, and a voice that I love to hear everyday (especially when it say "I loves you , Mommy")!  You make me smile with your questions and make me laugh with any of your most famous "Lily" faces.  I knew when I looked at your sweet face three years ago that I was given an incredible gift.  And you, my sweet girl, are just that!  You are a wonderful and precious gift to anyone who knows you. You have blessed my life beyond measure and I am so happy you are mine.  I love you sweet girl!  Happy 3rd Birthday!!!



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