Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Surprise!

Christmas has always been my MOST favorite time of year!!  So many wonderful memories that I will never forget.  Listening to Alabama Christmas while decorating the tree (my dad would play it loud and then sing it even louder), driving around looking at lights (never to fully realize our neighborhood had the best lights of all), unwrapping our "countdown" hershey kiss bag each night, getting to sleep in Lisa's room and waiting patiently to hear Santa on the roof, waking up Christmas morning-running to my parent's room- and my dad saying he had to take a shower first (yes, this happened every year, and yes, he was only kidding...but every year he turned on the water and pretended to take a shower!)  Most importantly, I remember all the time spent with family and friends.  I know we all have these memories, and they are definitely ones I hold so dear to my heart.  Now that I am all grown up, and have my own sweet family, I, too, want to create the same memories.  We have created our own traditions and made new memories, and for this I feel so blessed! Getting to see the excitement in their eyes makes it so fun and definitely is something Manley and I look so forward to!

Around October, we started talking about something that we knew would make all three kiddos bust with excitement. We decided we were ready to add a new member to the family...a six week old Golden Retriever puppy.  We knew we wanted to give her to the kids on Christmas morning. So, Manley made the drive to Benton, AR in the pouring down rain, on his birthday (December 23), to pick up the newest addition to the Douglas family, sweet little Lucy. 

We were very lucky that Mimi and E didn't mind keeping her until Christmas morning (with the condition that they were able to be here when the kids saw her the first time!)  So, after we opened all Santa's presents, we told the kids that they had to open our present.  We let them open the first present, which was the movie "Santa Buddies" and on the back had a short poem:

This is a sweet movie about a cute, furry friend,
But this is not where your presents ends...
Instead of just seeing these cute faces on the screen,
Imagine what it would be like to have the REAL THING!

Go downstairs...

I don't think the words actually soaked in, but they were so excited to see what waited for them downstairs! (However, I think it'safe to say that we were more excited than they were!)  Ava screamed just like I knew she would...

 Parker was in shock (he's been asking for a dog for a very long time, and simply couldn't believe she was ours!)...

 Lily asked so many questions, but had a smile the entire time...

 Lucy has the sweetest face, and brings a smile to everyone's face daily!  We ALL love her to pieces, and we are so lucky to have her!  She was definitely a Christmas present we will never forget!  :)

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