Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Christmas Memories...

This Christmas was definitely packed with lots of excitement and many fun memories! 

Lots of visits with Santa himself   ...

(well, actually Santa's helper as the kiddos call him- they all know the real Santa is busy up North!)

Many afternoons spent together making cookies, exchanging gifts...

getting together for the perfect picture...

(and making sure I was able to get a quick shot with my favorite people too!)

There were many times to hang out and share many giggles...

And get lots of hugs from the ones we adore...

There was time to snuggle with sweet aunts...

and laugh with funny cousins!
Yes, every moment spent during the holiday season is always fun! Every year, it is always full of smiles, laughs, minutes of stress, but in the end...we are always left with a great memory. 

 This was a very memorable Christmas.  And I know for many, it was special in a different kind of way!  This year, I know we all had a certain someone weighing heavily on their hearts.  

We all understood that time is precious, and that this Christmas is one to cherish!

There were many laughs shared, special pictures taken....

The sweetest hugs were given...

And the best kisses were received! 

This year, we remembered what really mattered!!  We truly understood that it is the people in life that make it so special.  The ones who have shown us everyday that we matter and are important people.  The ones who make us laugh and lend us support when we need it most.  The ones who take care of us when we need a friend and put us in our place when we forget who we are!  Those who are always happy to see us and make us feel that the world is special just because we're in it!

I know for so many, Bobby has been just that!  He is a husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, and friend.  And we are all so thankful he is still here fighting the battle against this terrible disease! We are so thankful that we were able to share so many great moments with him.  Yes, Christmas is always special... but Christmas 2009 will always remain special in a different way!

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