Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!!

I am going to be honest... snow days are not my most favorite thing in the world.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE snow- love to play in the snow... love to make snow men... love to come in and drink hot chocolate-  I just don't like getting everyone "ready" for a snow day!  It feels like it takes hours to get everyone dressed.  Then 15 minutes later, after all that work, everyone wants to come inside.  And then 20 minutes later, they want to get dressed all over again.  
But with each snow... this year, 4 snow days... I try to take it all in and remember that one day they are going to be grown up... they are going to want to spend snow days with their friends, instead of with their parents... and one day their little bodies won't need my help getting clothes together.  One day, they will be able to do it all on their own, and they won't need me.  I try to remember this with each "snow day" I see!  Even though the process of getting ready for a snow day isn't my most favorite... spending them with my 3 most favorite little faces makes me a happy mom!  Always leaves a great memory after all is said and done.  :)   

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