Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Ava!

Ava Larkin, HOW can you possibly be 7 years old???  Some days I feel that you should still be my sweet baby girl who loved to be held... loved to snuggle... and the little miss who loved her passie!  But then there are days when I feel you are 7 going on 17! Now my days with you include talks of Justin Bieber and how cute he is and how you want to marry him... hearing you sing Taylor Swift while standing on your bed... watching you read books on the couch... finding notes from you all around the house... hearing you talk on the phone to your friends... watching you grab your daily bowl of cereal for snack... and my most favorite- all the time I get to spend with just you!  These are the times when we are able to sit and talk... just you and me!  I love our chats more than anything and LOVE my special time with you, sweet girl!!!  I wouldn't trade those moments for anything in the world!! 

You are such a treasure in my world Ava!  There are so many times a day when I hear you say something or watch you do something that just simply makes me a proud mommy!  You are so sweet to Lily... always letting her sleep with you and always reading to her.  You are so protective of your family... anytime Parker is getting "talked to"... you always stick up for him- even when your "two cents" are not asked for!  Ha!  You adore Lucy and give her countless hugs each day!  You have such a sweet and precious heart that I see each day and I love you more than words could ever express!  God blessed us greatly when he put you in our lives and I thank Him everyday for you, sweet girl! 

Happy 7th birthday!!!

With your best friend, Riley

With all your girls for your sleep over!  I still laugh because we weren't even doing big birthdays this year since we went to Disney, and somehow your sleep over of 3 turned into a sleep over of 12!  Too funny!  You sure do know how to win me over!

With your sweet friend, Piper.

Mia and Ava

Ava and Isabelle

With sweet Madison

Ava and Kendall... this was Kendall's first sleep over! 
This girl is hilarious!

Olivia, Halle, Ava, and Zoe

Ava and Halle

I think it's safe to say that good times were had by all!!  :)

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