Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Reason for the Season

Christmas morning...

Oh, I have the best memories of Christmas morning growing up!  Getting to sleep my sisters room on Christmas Eve... being able to eat the LAST hershey kiss on our Christmas count down tree...knowing my dad was always going to pretend that he needed a quick shower before seeing what Santa brought us..I could go on and on (I think I have before!) 

I just love Christmas morning! 

Each year just gets more and more fun with the kids!  They get so excited to track Santa on Christmas Eve and love getting to sprinkle the reindeer food in the front yard... Reading The Night Before Christmas and then getting the cookies ready for Santa... and seeing what Santa brought!  

For Parker... He was so excited to get Halo, a BB Gun, and Madden 11...

Ava was pumped to get a portable DVD player, pillow pet, and MAKE UP...

And Lily... she LOVED her princess collection, new robe, and art supplies...

So many wonderful memories for them- but also for us!  And yet with all that excitement that is running through our house-with ALL the excitement about Santa-I try to make sure that there is just as much excitement about what Christmas is truly about! 

For most kids, it's all about what the big man is bringing them on Christmas morning. 
Yet with every "Santa" conversation... I also make sure to talk about the real meaning of Christmas.  I talk about the baby that was born so many years ago... for US!  I talk about His purpose for coming and how important His birth was for us!  I know there is excitement of the big guy, but the most important "Big Guy" is the one who was arrived on Christmas morning...not in a sleigh, but in a stable.  He is the "reason for the season"... and when my kids grow up, I hope they add this to their memory bank.  I hope they remember all the conversations we have had about the night Jesus was born!

My favorite song is from the group Lonestar and their words are perfect...

The shepherds are lit
A star in the sky
On the outskirts of town
A new baby cries
No room at the end
No crib to be found
Oh but look at him now

He is the reason for the season
He is the light that shines on our lives
The baby Jesus born in God's grace
So we all might rejoice on this day
He is the reason for the season

It is a time for presents and toys
Tales of Saint Nick
Tidings of joy
As we celebrate the miracle birth
Oh right here on this earth

He is the reason for the season
He is the light that shines on our lives
The baby Jesus born in God's grace
So we all might rejoice on this day
He is the reason for the season

He's the reason for the giving
The joy thats never ending
That comes on Christmas morning
in the eyes of a child
It's what it means to me and you
That's the true meaning of this time

Pretty much sums up how I feel about Christmas morning!  So much to be thankful for... a baby that changed everything... and a family that means more to me than words could ever express! 

I am blessed beyond measure! 

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