Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Miss Lily... my sweet baby girl... how can you already be 4???  Where have all these years gone?  

I sit here tonight wondering how it has gone by so fast.  One day I was bringing you home from the hospital... and tonight I am tucking in a 4 year old!  I know one day when you have sweet babies of your own, you will understand... but it just simply blows my mind and I wish I had a way to make time slow down! 

One thing I know for sure... I cherish you sweet girl!  I have loved each and every moment I have been able to spend with you- all the times I could snuggle with you on the couch... all the times when you have made me laugh out loud... all the "I love you mommy's" and the "what'd you said" questions... I have loved listening to your stories about school and the boys who are only your friends- not your boyfriends... I have loved getting to see you walk downstairs in your pjs with that messy hair on your head... I have loved all the times I had to wake you up for school and you asked if I would lay with you in bed... and I've loved all the "will you scratch my back, my "oam" (arm), my leg, and my belly"... I could go on and on.
I have simply loved each and every thing about you sweet girl!  Sometimes being the youngest, it has been so hard for you to hear that you can't do certain things or you can't go certain places... but you have taken being the "baby" of the group very well!  Better than I did as a child.  You LOVE your sister and brother more than life itself... and boy, do they love you too!  You are one loved little miss and I know I am so lucky to be your mommy! 
Happy 4th birthday, sweet Lily!

All you wanted for your birthday was to go to Incredible Pizza.  So, of course that's where we all went to celebrate your special day! 
(But I lost major points in the Mommy department because I was so busy having fun with you that I didn't get any pictures! Loved having the fun, but BOO to not getting any pictures!) 

On your actual day, we had some neighbors over to have cake and ice cream!  A few more friends were supposed to come too... but the fever virus was going around and they were sick.  How do I know... because you got it the next day. :(

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