Saturday, November 27, 2010

Egg Bowl!

Anyone who knows me understands that I am a "Rebel" by marriage.  I love going to the games... love getting to hang out with great friends... but I think it's safe to say that I do not bleed"red and blue".  With that being said... I know I am married to someone who does!  Ha!  Even if I don't go to every game with them... and I don't worry about their stats... I LOVE Ole Miss for the great times it has given my family! 

This year we all headed down to watch the Rebels take on Mississippi State!  A great time for all...even if they didn't come home with a win! 

It was definitely a win for me because everyone had so much fun!  :)

A group shot

Another sweet family... The Erhardts

And they score...

My three babies... who are not babies anymore! 

Special friends...

Lily Kathryn

Ava Larkin

Sweet Madison... such a silly girl this one is!

Lily sporting her Ole Miss spirit!

Funny man Drew!  He is hilarious!

Best Buds!! 

Daddy and sweet girl!

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