Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Parker!

Parker Douglas... my sweet, sweet Parker...

How in the WORLD can you be 10 years old???  In some ways, I feel like you are just starting Kindergarten...but other days you make me feel like you are close to heading off to college. 

Words cannot express how much I love each and every one of my precious children!  Words cannot fully express how much I love having you for a son!!!

I remember bringing you home from the hospital... not knowing what I was going to do with a boy!  I've only been around little girls, and a baby boy was something new in my world.  But now I couldn't imagine a day without all the boyness that you bring to our lives!  Every year I will tell you the same thing- I love you to pieces... I couldn't imagine a day without you in my life... and that I am so thankful that God picked me to be your Mom!!!  Everyday I think you make me a better person...everyday you teach me something new... and everyday I look at you and know I was given a true blessing 10 years ago! 

Happy 10th birthday to one of the best boys I know!!!! 

As Grandaddy always told you...
I know you are going to do great things in your lifetime... and I CAN'T wait to see what they are!

I love you sweet boy!

As always... we headed to Shogun for your birthday dinner...
with my MOST favorite people..

the silliest group of kids...

Mimi and E

with Grandmama

And Deanne, Shane, and Andrew...

We had some neighbors over after school on your "real birthday for pizza and cake...

You also had Drew, Cooper, and Colin spend the night and you headed to Incredible Pizza...

And another night...Daddy took Zach, Ethan, and you to a Grizzlies game...

But guess what...I didn't get a picture!!!  Me... of all people... forgot to take a picture!!
Just wanted to make sure you remembered!!  :) 

I think it's safe to say that you had a GREAT 10th Birthday!! :)

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