Friday, November 26, 2010

A Funny Memory

Most people at know us, wouldn't think these pictures are too off base.  But for those that don't know the Larkins well... you may just think we're a bit crazy!  Such a funny memory!  Thanksgiving Day... Kendall, Katie, Kelsey and I started getting silly and we wanted to see how many pictures we could take around my mom and dad's house...

This is actually what started it all- Kendall and I started to laugh...usually that always leads to something funny!  We wanted to see how tight we could hug..

Then I wanted a picture with Kels...

Kendall wanted one too...

Now the next pair of sisters wanted to see how close they could get...

Now trying to find funny places to take a picture! 
(I don't think Mom and Lisa were too happy that we weren't helping in the kitchen...) 

in awe of "the tree"...

this was hilarious...
Matthew and Zach were looking at us like we were crazy....
hanging out by the banister...

getting ready for a dip in the pool...

ready to take the plunge...

with the "bugged-eye lady"...

Now Doll with the girls...

Now me with my favorite nieces...

now one more of all of us... love these girls!!!

Such a fun memory... it's probably safe to say that this will become a tradition.  :)

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