Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas with Friends

The Douglas-Erhardt-McKeithen Christmas Dinner!!

It started 10 years ago,
and has become a tradition ever since. 
We started back when Parker and Logan
were sweet little one year olds!

Now it's 10 years later... more kiddos added to the mix...
 and even more fun memories made!!!

Wouldn't trade this group of people for the world...
love them all!

Trying to keep a straight face... Parker missed this one. 
(That is the laugh he gives that makes me laugh so hard!)

going crazy...

some of my most favorite girls...

not many words to describe this... just a funny moment

special friends

Best friends...
(and you can bet that one day
this picture will be in each of their wedding videos!)

The kiddos (missing Maddie though) in their new hats

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