Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Christmas Star

Tonight was Lily's Christmas program at school.  I was a little worried at first because I know how Lily is when she thinks all eyes are on her... she's gets a little "camera shy" so to speak.  She puts her arm over her eyes and thinks that it will shield her from anyone watching her.  She's does that during soccer games, birthday songs, and when she has to go up to someone she doesn't know.  Now this is usually not the case with Lily!  Normally, she is my child that will speak to anyone, sings loudly, dances often, and never has a problem speaking her mind.  Just NOT when she thinks people are watching!  So needless to say, I thought I knew what was to come on the night of Lily's program. 

Boy was I WRONG! 

This little miss... the same little girl who can get so shy... shined so bright and was SO much fun to watch!  She knew all her moves for the songs, she knew all the words and sang them LOUDLY, and she had a big bright smile on the entire time!!

Such a fun night!

The star herself!

With Mimi...

With Grandmama...

With her teacher, Mrs. Brenda. 
This is the same teacher who taught ME
when I was Lily's age!
Such a sweet teacher who Lily LOVES to pieces!

With our girl!!

With her E! 
He wasn't able to come to her program the night before,
so he came to chapel the next day to watch his girl. 
Unfortunately, she didn't have the same "fire"
at 8 in the morning...
But she was SO glad he came to see her sing!

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