Friday, March 18, 2011

My Favorite Monkeys

A pretty day in Memphis means one thing... outside time for my crew! 

The kiddos were on spring break this week and we headed to one of our most favorite places... the zoo.  Always a good time!  I don't even know how many times we've entered those gates...but I can honestly say I never get tired of going!  It's always fun- even if you don't have enough time to see every animal... it's worth the trip!

After we left, we made our way to another one of my favorite stops... Jerry Sno Cones!  YUM!

Such a fun day and it sure makes me SO ready for summer!!   

Blowing a getwell kiss to sweet Lucy Krull.

Lucy has a picture like this,
and Ava wanted to take one to send to her. 

watching the gorilla...
she really wanted him to come to the window. 

That would have been interesting!

In a Memphis shirt (something new for him)...
but something I LOVE to see!

1 comment:

Manley said...

Love these pictures! Such a great day!