Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Will you be my boyfriend?

Today, Parker came home from school with a small grin on that sweet face and said he needed to talk to me.  He went to his backpack and got out this note:

He said he came into school this morning, and this note was sitting inside his desk.  On the back was the name of a little girl who he has had a small crush on for about a month.  How do I know this... simply because I have a boy that feels like he can talk to me about most anything.  Something I LOVE and something I PRAY never changes! 

He told this little girl that he hadn't made up his mind yet, and when I asked him why, he said "I really didn't want to make the decision without getting your opinion first."  :)  This, of course, made my day! 

Well, we talked about and if you know Parker well enough you would understand when I say that we talked some more.. and some more.. and more!  (He is quite the thinker about things and likes to talk his problems out!)  I told him that I didn't think it would be a big deal to say yes, and his reply was "I just don't think I'm ready for all of this yet!"  Most days, he is simply a grown man inside a child's body!  Such an old soul! You could tell it weighed heavily on his mind all night.  What was his problem?  Well, he wasn't sure if he "was ready to have a girlfriend yet"...but he didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying no!  Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?  He has such a genuine heart that I know will take him far in life!  He is always the first to say "I love you Mom!" or "Have a great day today!"  He always has to have a hug before leaving and time to talk at night.  I know I am a lucky mom to have him for a son! 

Well, the next day he wrote a note back that said "Yes!"  He said he figured since it was just a title and you didn't go anywhere together that he would just go ahead with it. 

So I guess this marks the story of Parker's first official girlfriend!  Goodness, he is growing up so fast!  Wish I could rewind the time to when he was a 3 year old...but since I can't I will just be so thankful for a son like this and will not take these days for granted! 

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