Monday, April 25, 2011

More Fun Times at Mimi and E's

I think this may become a tradition!  If you know us well, you won't think this is too out of the ordinary.  If you don't... then you may start to worry!  Ha!  It all started on Christmas Eve. Kendall, Katie, Kelsey, and I got silly and started taking all kinds of random pictures around my parent's house.  Now another holiday is among us... and the picture taking continues...
Going on a bike ride...

Hard to tell...
But this is a table set for kids.  So funny!

With nature...

Smelling the "irises"


Swinging in the breeze...

Did somebody say something?

Happy Easter!

Eggs Galore!

No words...
seriously couldn't say something if we wanted to!  Ha!

Fun times- until the next holiday... :)

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