Monday, April 25, 2011

More Fun Times at Mimi and E's

I think this may become a tradition!  If you know us well, you won't think this is too out of the ordinary.  If you don't... then you may start to worry!  Ha!  It all started on Christmas Eve. Kendall, Katie, Kelsey, and I got silly and started taking all kinds of random pictures around my parent's house.  Now another holiday is among us... and the picture taking continues...
Going on a bike ride...

Hard to tell...
But this is a table set for kids.  So funny!

With nature...

Smelling the "irises"


Swinging in the breeze...

Did somebody say something?

Happy Easter!

Eggs Galore!

No words...
seriously couldn't say something if we wanted to!  Ha!

Fun times- until the next holiday... :)

Easter 2011

Another Easter...Another fun time with the family! 
All the grandkids

my babes...

Parker...being Parker.  :)

Mimi and E with the grands...

With Grandmama

Kendall and Joey

A group shot...

my sweet, smiling Ava

my brown-eyed Lily

my handsome Parker

Matthew and Lily...
one never knows what to expect when these two get together!  :) 

good buds..

Tucker and Peggy

With my honey

Ava and the one she ADORES!!!

Sweet cousins

The newest addition... John Robert

Again, Parker... being Parker!  :)

Sweet sisters!

Love this picture!  Such good buddies! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Will you be my boyfriend?

Today, Parker came home from school with a small grin on that sweet face and said he needed to talk to me.  He went to his backpack and got out this note:

He said he came into school this morning, and this note was sitting inside his desk.  On the back was the name of a little girl who he has had a small crush on for about a month.  How do I know this... simply because I have a boy that feels like he can talk to me about most anything.  Something I LOVE and something I PRAY never changes! 

He told this little girl that he hadn't made up his mind yet, and when I asked him why, he said "I really didn't want to make the decision without getting your opinion first."  :)  This, of course, made my day! 

Well, we talked about and if you know Parker well enough you would understand when I say that we talked some more.. and some more.. and more!  (He is quite the thinker about things and likes to talk his problems out!)  I told him that I didn't think it would be a big deal to say yes, and his reply was "I just don't think I'm ready for all of this yet!"  Most days, he is simply a grown man inside a child's body!  Such an old soul! You could tell it weighed heavily on his mind all night.  What was his problem?  Well, he wasn't sure if he "was ready to have a girlfriend yet"...but he didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying no!  Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?  He has such a genuine heart that I know will take him far in life!  He is always the first to say "I love you Mom!" or "Have a great day today!"  He always has to have a hug before leaving and time to talk at night.  I know I am a lucky mom to have him for a son! 

Well, the next day he wrote a note back that said "Yes!"  He said he figured since it was just a title and you didn't go anywhere together that he would just go ahead with it. 

So I guess this marks the story of Parker's first official girlfriend!  Goodness, he is growing up so fast!  Wish I could rewind the time to when he was a 3 year old...but since I can't I will just be so thankful for a son like this and will not take these days for granted!