Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The times, they are a changin!

In August of 2011, I did something I haven't done in quite a while.  I left my post as a stay at home mom, and walked back into the classroom.

I feel so blessed that I was able to stay home with my babies for those precious years.  They are some of my most favorite memories!  Snuggling in our pj's... having picnics and blowing bubbles outside...meeting up for playdates with friends...and so much more.

Like all things...time passes and my kiddos started to grow up.  We were no longer in need of diapers, passies, and sippy cups.  My youngest baby is getting close to Kindergarten days and I just felt ready. 

Thankfully, I got an interim position at Lakeland Elementary, which led to a full time position.  I am now a 2nd grade teacher, loving ever minute of it...and the BEST part about it is that I am teaching at the same school as my most favorite people!!

It's been quite a transition to be teaching again... finding time to grade papers, cook dinner, run errands, drive kids to practice, and most importantly...finding a way to balance the time with my sweet family.  The days can get challenging, but I know we're getting adjusted just fine.  Couldn't be more blessed!

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