Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Ava!

My Ava... hard to put into words how much I love and adore this girl.  She was my second baby, but she was my first daughter.  I will never forget hearing those words... it's a girl.  I will never forget the day she arrived in this world.  All the nurses thought my labor was going to go on for a while... but she had other plans.  I was at school teaching a class of 3rd graders.  I had my 36 week appointment at 1 pm, but by the time I got home, I was having stomach pains.  I tried to tough it out for a while, but realized I was in labor.  We went to the hospital at 6 pm and she made her debut at 11:53 pm.  One nurse told me that I needed to be ready for a long night... but goodness, she had other plans!  There was no time for an epideral.. no time for pain meds to kick in.  She was ready to take this world head on!  That's how she has been her entire life!  Full of life... full of love... and ready for what comes her way!  Couldn't imagine a day without this girl!  Love her so much!

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