Thursday, May 20, 2010

So Long Kindergarten...

I can't believe the year is already over!  Wow!  Kindergarten days for Ava have come to an end.  I am so very proud of her!!  So many wonderful friends she made, so much learning she accomplished, and so much growing she did into a fabulous 1st grader!  She loved going to school each and every day!  Their Kingergarten program definitely brought tears to so many mommy's eyes!  My favorite memory is the song "First Grade, First Grade" (to the tune of New York, New York).  Just the sweetest voices telling us all they were ready to move on! 

Start spreading the news
We're leaving today.
We want to be a part of
First grade, first grade!

We've worked very hard
Our teacher's so proud.
So open up those doors to
First grade, first grade.

We know our... alphabet
And numbers too.
We all can write our names
And tie our shoes!
So when summer's done
And we're all done with play
Our mom's will send us to
First grade, first grade.

If we can make it there
We'll make it anywhere
So here we come
First grade, first grade.

Just so sweet!!!  Here are a few pictures from her big day at her Kindergarten Graduation!

With Mrs. Filsinger... such a great year with a GREAT teacher!

singing away...

with our girl

love my Ava hugs!!

with Mimi & E

with Grandmama... and knowing Grandaddy is looking down, so very proud of his Ava

Ava and Olivia

Ava and Halle

Sweet Mia

Her two best "boy" friends... Henry and Landon

Lily and Megan...
the two little misses who BOTH cut their bangs on the same day...
and NOT while they were together!

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