Friday, May 21, 2010

Good-bye Pencils, Good-bye Books...

Wow!  Parker is heading to 4th Grade!  Can't believe his 3rd Grade year has come to an end!  It feels like it was only yesterday that he was getting his award for "Best Storyteller" in Mrs. Tooker's Kindergarten class!  (And then a second award for "Best Bike Rider").  Those memories make me smile!!!

This was a great year for Parker!  He has grown so much!  Every day, I grow more and more proud of the person he is growing up to be!  He loves to learn and LOVES to read!  He read the first three Harry Potter books in a month and was finished with the entire series in three months!  He couldn't put them down!  He recieved an award for placing 8th over all the 3rd Grade classes for AR points...302 points!  This year, he was also accepted into APEX and we couldn't be more proud! 

He is also learning so much about how to treat people and how to take care of his friends and family! Yes, he is a 9 year old boy who can get mad at his sisters and complain about having to clean his room...but when it counts, he has a heart of gold and that makes me so proud to call him my son!  We are so blessed to have him in our lives! 

Top AR Readers for all 3rd Grade classes

Getting his conduct award from his principal, Mrs. Crouch

Getting his medal from Mrs. Lockhart

With my sweet boy!

Best friends!

With his teacher Mrs. Reed

And with dear, sweet Mr. Frank!  He volunteers at Lakeland EVERY day!

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