Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The First Pitch

Anyone who knows Parker well, understands when I say that he can truly be the world's best salesman.. I'm not kidding! I've heard from so many that he is either going to end up in sales when he's older, or a lawyer!  It's always fun to think about my kids and what lies ahead for them... but it's even better to see their talents right now and watch them shine.  :) 
Lakeland Elementary was having their Entertainment Book Fundraiser and the top seller got to throw out the first pitch at the Redbirds game!  That was all Parker needed to hear to motivate him!  He came home... ran out the door to start selling- got on the phone- and sent out emails!  And guess what... He won! He sold 42 books!!  He also won a tour of the Redbird's stadium by being one of the first to sell 10 books.  I love how motivated this child can get!  It's like he gets a fire under him and there's no stopping him!  Love it!  Such a fun memory for him... but also for Manley and me! 

He sure did a great job!

After the tour of the Redbirds Stadium...

picture on the field...

the other winner for selling the first 10 books...
our neighbor Drew! 

The day of the first pitch! 
I don't know who was more excited...

ALL smiles!!

Enjoying fun times with family...

with a special cousin, Andrew, 
who came to watch Parker's big moment...

you know I am going to get a picture with my little man!

With a special guy... Lance Lynn! 
A former Ole Miss Rebel who now plays for the Redbirds! 
He made sure to give Parker a pat on the back!

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