Saturday, September 4, 2010

Meeting Duece!

We got to meet Deuce McCallister at the Boys and Girls Club Sports Ball and oh my... he's huge and all muscle!  But he was such a nice guy!  Signed some things for us and was so nice to talk to.  

Another memory from the night... the Mediknow Ring!!!  Every year, they sell keys to all the people at the ball.  The keys cost $25.00 each.  The key you bought could possibly open the glass box, and inside is a $5,000 ring from Mednikow Jewlerers.  The last time we went, I bought one... and before I even got a chance to try it out... someone else's key worked.  So this year, I didn't even think it worth buying one.  When it was time to unlock the box, we sat and watched as each person came to try out their key.  Some people had 4 keys, some at 2... there was even a man who bought 16 keys!!  They got down to the last 10 people.  Of course, we were all standing up there by the box with the rest of the people... waiting to see who had the key that worked!  Key by key went into the lock.. and not ONE of them opened the box.  The last girl in line was so excited... but sadly... her key didn't work either.  They never had this happen before and everyone was looking at everyone... none of the people in charge could understand how this happened. 

Finally, they came back and said that every person that was left in this room was going to get a ticket.  It didn't matter if you bought a key or not... if you were still there... you were getting a ticket.  On my ticket, the numbers were 245653!  Shannon, the wife of a guy Manley works with had 245658 on her ticket.  We sat there as the numbers were called out... 2...24...245...2456....24565....  Shannon and I looked at each other and realized we had a 1 in 9 chance of getting this ring.  Finally, they called out the last number... 24565..4!!!  FOUR...NOT 3 like I was so hoping for!  So this not only meant that this woman was standing behind me when they gave us our tickets... but it also meant that I was 1 number away from getting a $5,000 ring!  Crazy!  I swear it took me a week to get over that one!  Ha!  Such a funny memory now... but at the time... Ugh!  So close, but not close enough.  :)

I would definitely LOVE to go back and refix this hair and touch up my make up!  Ha!
But wouldn't trade the man with me!  Love him... such a fun night!

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