Friday, August 14, 2009

Zoo Day

Today, we went with Kendall, her boys, and their sweet neighbor Camryn to the zoo. Since Ava only went to school one day this week, she was able to go too! We also had another little man added to our crew! Andrew spent the day with us and the girls were SO excited! They always have so much fun with Andrew! The zoo is always a hit with my crew. Especially this time because they had the best exhibit going on about birds. I am not the biggest of bird lovers, but this was so neat. They gave each child a stick with some food on the end, and the birds would sit on the stick. Ava, my lover of any kind of animal, was in heaven. Lily loved the fact that they were so close to her. It was definitely a fun afternoon! I just wish Parker could have been there too!

The whole crew

Andrew had so much fun hanging out with Zach!

Andrew with a friend!
One of my favorite parts of the zoo! I could stay in there forever watching the polar bears!

Matthew trying to chat. :)

patience is a virtue...right? :)

I know Ava would have stayed in there for hours if I would have let her!

Such big stuff!

Zach wanted a picture of the bird right by his face. I think we achieved that!
Andrew didn't want any help getting his bird. He is "Mr. Independent" and pretty hilarious in the process! :)
One more group shot...

Just the girls...

And just the boys! :)

Had to put in this picture. Lily wanted about 10 pictures taken with the buddha. Hilarious!!!

Then she wanted one just "by me", as she calls it.

My sweet kindergartener! Loved getting to have some "QT" with my girl!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome to Kindergarten and 3rd Grade!

Today is a very exciting, yet bittersweet day in our household. Ava is an official Kindergartener and Parker has entered the world of 3rd Grade. I simply cannot believe this to be true!!! Does anyone know how to push a pause button???

First of all, let's talk about Parker. I remember when I first started teaching 3rd Grade. Parker was almost two years old and the time seemed SO far away for him to be learning multiplication and division...and now it is here. Where has the time gone??? I can still picture him in his little new balance tennis shoes, holding his backpack, walking in the doors of Christ Methodist CDC. He was my "little man"! And now he is getting so grown up! Kleenex please!

The thought of tears brings me onto the next official student of Lakeland Elementary. My sweet Ava is starting Kindergarten!! HOW did this happen so quickly? It still seems like we just moved into this house. She was so little then, only two years old. Now she is my social little butterfly... wanting to play with her friends all afternoon, wanting an opinion about what she wears, loves lip gloss, and would greatly appreciate me more if I would just let her go off by herself out into the world. Oh my, what am I going to do without my constant sidekick at home?

But as Manley said, we can't be sad from missing them, because they are both so excited for the year ahead of them (especially our Kindergartener)! As we walked down the street, backpacks packed, lunches in hand, there were many smiles shared. Parker was ready to get in the doors, and Ava was practically skipping. Oh, how I am so happy for them. I know it is going to be such a wonderful year for them both! However, for me, the walk home was a hard one!!! And I'm glad I had my sunglasses on!

Ready to get the day started!

With her daddy! Such a sweet picture, but I laugh because she would NOT stop asking if we could go yet. Ha!

With my girl!

My handsome men!

Posing for one more memory maker before heading down the street!

Doesn't he look so cute? He did not enjoy the fact that I brought my camera into class. Atleast I didn't take pictures of all his friends like all the moms did last year. Ha! (He thought I was being nice, but in all honesty, he "looped up" with Mrs. Reed again, so he is with all the same kids...I already had their pictures!) :)

The newest Lakeland Lion!

Had to post this! As sad as it is, I know it will be no time before she is posing for her Kindergarten picture too! She was PUMPED to get to go up there with them. (Notice the backpack!) Atleast I know she will have no troubles when her day arrives!!!

At her table! Loved getting into her room. Didn't even want me to kiss her or anything in front of the other kids. I swear, she would have been fine if we just dropped her off at the driveway. Ha! I guess this was easier than if she was emotional and upset, right?

With Mrs. Filsinger! Can you see the excitement in her sweet face? We know she will love her teacher because I have known Michelle since we were younger. Seriously the sweetest girl! So excited Ava will be under her wings all year! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unexpected News

Wow! This has sure been a summer to remember. Many fun memories were made, however, this summer also brought along news of sadness. On July 8th, we found out that Manley's dad had a brain tumor. Definitely something that was such a shock to everyone and news that devastated everyone's heart. The tumor was removed the following week, and since then Bobby has been recovering. He is going through radiation and chemotherapy treatments. He is definitely amazing us all. Manley's dad is one of the kindest men you will ever meet. He is always concerned about others and loves his family dearly. It is such a honor having him for a Father-in-law! We all have faith that God will look out for him during his fight and he will be healed of this nasty disease!!! On a positive note, there are many things I have learned even deeper from this situation. I have learned not to take people for granted, especially those you hold close to your heart. I have learned to set aside special time for family. Even though life is crazy, we all can make this excuses! And I have learned that we could all be just a phone call away from a life changing event. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so take advantage of the time you have today. I really believe that God gives us these situations because he wants us to realize this. We all get so comfortable in our own lives, doing what we do every day, and He wants us to get focused on the important things again. We have learned so much from this experience, and I know all of the Douglas crew is ready to get a clean bill of health for Bobby. All in God's time. This has definitely been a summer we will all remember.

With Grandaddy the night before his surgery. Love this pic!

Funny Andrew- this child is 4 going on 14! Hilarious!

Swimming at Grandmama's and Grandaddy's house

Joey and one of his biggest fans!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Santa Rosa Beach, FL

For as long as I can remember, my family has taken a yearly trip to Florida. I can still see my mom packing up the minivan (before it was the station wagon) and all of us getting stuffed inside as we drove to the beach. We rented a three story house on Osceola Drive in Destin...and we loved every minute of it. They are some of my most favorite childhood memories!! Weeks spent with the Noelkers, my aunt and cousins, my Little Granny and Helen... so many times to remember! Now that I am all grown up :), I love that we are able to give our kiddos those same memories. Instead of heading to Holiday Isle in Destin, we now go to Santa Rosa Beach, Fl. (It's not nearly as crowded as Destin is these days!) We rent a three story house that fits us all perfectly. We all stay together- my parents, the Morgan's, the Lucchesi's, and all five of my crew... and we love every minute of it. Sure, there are moments that would annoy anyone...but all and all... it is a trip to remember!

The whole crew on picture night! Definitely a bit of a stressful night for everyone (mainly me) trying to get the best shot...but so worth it! :)

Me with my most favorite people in the world!!

One of my most favorite pictures!

A group shot in the ocean.

Kendall, Mom, Dad, Lisa, and me

My sweet little man, Parker

My happy girl, Ava

My funny little miss, Lily!

Manley and the crew.

Mom and Dad with all the kiddos.

The Morgans- Greg, Kelsey, Katie, and Lisa

The Lucchesi's- Joey, Zach, Kendall, and Matthew

I'll forever remember this moment (and thanks to Kendall for taking this pic)... We were talking about what it was going to be like in Kindergarten and how much I was going to miss her all day, every day. Very special conversation we had that day!

Another favorite of mine... my sister Lisa got this while Lily and I were hanging out in the ocean. Love it and love this girl!

Until next year....