Friday, August 14, 2009

Zoo Day

Today, we went with Kendall, her boys, and their sweet neighbor Camryn to the zoo. Since Ava only went to school one day this week, she was able to go too! We also had another little man added to our crew! Andrew spent the day with us and the girls were SO excited! They always have so much fun with Andrew! The zoo is always a hit with my crew. Especially this time because they had the best exhibit going on about birds. I am not the biggest of bird lovers, but this was so neat. They gave each child a stick with some food on the end, and the birds would sit on the stick. Ava, my lover of any kind of animal, was in heaven. Lily loved the fact that they were so close to her. It was definitely a fun afternoon! I just wish Parker could have been there too!

The whole crew

Andrew had so much fun hanging out with Zach!

Andrew with a friend!
One of my favorite parts of the zoo! I could stay in there forever watching the polar bears!

Matthew trying to chat. :)

patience is a virtue...right? :)

I know Ava would have stayed in there for hours if I would have let her!

Such big stuff!

Zach wanted a picture of the bird right by his face. I think we achieved that!
Andrew didn't want any help getting his bird. He is "Mr. Independent" and pretty hilarious in the process! :)
One more group shot...

Just the girls...

And just the boys! :)

Had to put in this picture. Lily wanted about 10 pictures taken with the buddha. Hilarious!!!

Then she wanted one just "by me", as she calls it.

My sweet kindergartener! Loved getting to have some "QT" with my girl!

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