Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome to Kindergarten and 3rd Grade!

Today is a very exciting, yet bittersweet day in our household. Ava is an official Kindergartener and Parker has entered the world of 3rd Grade. I simply cannot believe this to be true!!! Does anyone know how to push a pause button???

First of all, let's talk about Parker. I remember when I first started teaching 3rd Grade. Parker was almost two years old and the time seemed SO far away for him to be learning multiplication and division...and now it is here. Where has the time gone??? I can still picture him in his little new balance tennis shoes, holding his backpack, walking in the doors of Christ Methodist CDC. He was my "little man"! And now he is getting so grown up! Kleenex please!

The thought of tears brings me onto the next official student of Lakeland Elementary. My sweet Ava is starting Kindergarten!! HOW did this happen so quickly? It still seems like we just moved into this house. She was so little then, only two years old. Now she is my social little butterfly... wanting to play with her friends all afternoon, wanting an opinion about what she wears, loves lip gloss, and would greatly appreciate me more if I would just let her go off by herself out into the world. Oh my, what am I going to do without my constant sidekick at home?

But as Manley said, we can't be sad from missing them, because they are both so excited for the year ahead of them (especially our Kindergartener)! As we walked down the street, backpacks packed, lunches in hand, there were many smiles shared. Parker was ready to get in the doors, and Ava was practically skipping. Oh, how I am so happy for them. I know it is going to be such a wonderful year for them both! However, for me, the walk home was a hard one!!! And I'm glad I had my sunglasses on!

Ready to get the day started!

With her daddy! Such a sweet picture, but I laugh because she would NOT stop asking if we could go yet. Ha!

With my girl!

My handsome men!

Posing for one more memory maker before heading down the street!

Doesn't he look so cute? He did not enjoy the fact that I brought my camera into class. Atleast I didn't take pictures of all his friends like all the moms did last year. Ha! (He thought I was being nice, but in all honesty, he "looped up" with Mrs. Reed again, so he is with all the same kids...I already had their pictures!) :)

The newest Lakeland Lion!

Had to post this! As sad as it is, I know it will be no time before she is posing for her Kindergarten picture too! She was PUMPED to get to go up there with them. (Notice the backpack!) Atleast I know she will have no troubles when her day arrives!!!

At her table! Loved getting into her room. Didn't even want me to kiss her or anything in front of the other kids. I swear, she would have been fine if we just dropped her off at the driveway. Ha! I guess this was easier than if she was emotional and upset, right?

With Mrs. Filsinger! Can you see the excitement in her sweet face? We know she will love her teacher because I have known Michelle since we were younger. Seriously the sweetest girl! So excited Ava will be under her wings all year! :)

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