Monday, August 3, 2009

Santa Rosa Beach, FL

For as long as I can remember, my family has taken a yearly trip to Florida. I can still see my mom packing up the minivan (before it was the station wagon) and all of us getting stuffed inside as we drove to the beach. We rented a three story house on Osceola Drive in Destin...and we loved every minute of it. They are some of my most favorite childhood memories!! Weeks spent with the Noelkers, my aunt and cousins, my Little Granny and Helen... so many times to remember! Now that I am all grown up :), I love that we are able to give our kiddos those same memories. Instead of heading to Holiday Isle in Destin, we now go to Santa Rosa Beach, Fl. (It's not nearly as crowded as Destin is these days!) We rent a three story house that fits us all perfectly. We all stay together- my parents, the Morgan's, the Lucchesi's, and all five of my crew... and we love every minute of it. Sure, there are moments that would annoy anyone...but all and all... it is a trip to remember!

The whole crew on picture night! Definitely a bit of a stressful night for everyone (mainly me) trying to get the best shot...but so worth it! :)

Me with my most favorite people in the world!!

One of my most favorite pictures!

A group shot in the ocean.

Kendall, Mom, Dad, Lisa, and me

My sweet little man, Parker

My happy girl, Ava

My funny little miss, Lily!

Manley and the crew.

Mom and Dad with all the kiddos.

The Morgans- Greg, Kelsey, Katie, and Lisa

The Lucchesi's- Joey, Zach, Kendall, and Matthew

I'll forever remember this moment (and thanks to Kendall for taking this pic)... We were talking about what it was going to be like in Kindergarten and how much I was going to miss her all day, every day. Very special conversation we had that day!

Another favorite of mine... my sister Lisa got this while Lily and I were hanging out in the ocean. Love it and love this girl!

Until next year....

1 comment:

Kim said...

Love the blog! Too cute!