Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unexpected News

Wow! This has sure been a summer to remember. Many fun memories were made, however, this summer also brought along news of sadness. On July 8th, we found out that Manley's dad had a brain tumor. Definitely something that was such a shock to everyone and news that devastated everyone's heart. The tumor was removed the following week, and since then Bobby has been recovering. He is going through radiation and chemotherapy treatments. He is definitely amazing us all. Manley's dad is one of the kindest men you will ever meet. He is always concerned about others and loves his family dearly. It is such a honor having him for a Father-in-law! We all have faith that God will look out for him during his fight and he will be healed of this nasty disease!!! On a positive note, there are many things I have learned even deeper from this situation. I have learned not to take people for granted, especially those you hold close to your heart. I have learned to set aside special time for family. Even though life is crazy, we all can make this excuses! And I have learned that we could all be just a phone call away from a life changing event. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so take advantage of the time you have today. I really believe that God gives us these situations because he wants us to realize this. We all get so comfortable in our own lives, doing what we do every day, and He wants us to get focused on the important things again. We have learned so much from this experience, and I know all of the Douglas crew is ready to get a clean bill of health for Bobby. All in God's time. This has definitely been a summer we will all remember.

With Grandaddy the night before his surgery. Love this pic!

Funny Andrew- this child is 4 going on 14! Hilarious!

Swimming at Grandmama's and Grandaddy's house

Joey and one of his biggest fans!

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