Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Reason for the Season

Christmas morning...

Oh, I have the best memories of Christmas morning growing up!  Getting to sleep my sisters room on Christmas Eve... being able to eat the LAST hershey kiss on our Christmas count down tree...knowing my dad was always going to pretend that he needed a quick shower before seeing what Santa brought us..I could go on and on (I think I have before!) 

I just love Christmas morning! 

Each year just gets more and more fun with the kids!  They get so excited to track Santa on Christmas Eve and love getting to sprinkle the reindeer food in the front yard... Reading The Night Before Christmas and then getting the cookies ready for Santa... and seeing what Santa brought!  

For Parker... He was so excited to get Halo, a BB Gun, and Madden 11...

Ava was pumped to get a portable DVD player, pillow pet, and MAKE UP...

And Lily... she LOVED her princess collection, new robe, and art supplies...

So many wonderful memories for them- but also for us!  And yet with all that excitement that is running through our house-with ALL the excitement about Santa-I try to make sure that there is just as much excitement about what Christmas is truly about! 

For most kids, it's all about what the big man is bringing them on Christmas morning. 
Yet with every "Santa" conversation... I also make sure to talk about the real meaning of Christmas.  I talk about the baby that was born so many years ago... for US!  I talk about His purpose for coming and how important His birth was for us!  I know there is excitement of the big guy, but the most important "Big Guy" is the one who was arrived on Christmas morning...not in a sleigh, but in a stable.  He is the "reason for the season"... and when my kids grow up, I hope they add this to their memory bank.  I hope they remember all the conversations we have had about the night Jesus was born!

My favorite song is from the group Lonestar and their words are perfect...

The shepherds are lit
A star in the sky
On the outskirts of town
A new baby cries
No room at the end
No crib to be found
Oh but look at him now

He is the reason for the season
He is the light that shines on our lives
The baby Jesus born in God's grace
So we all might rejoice on this day
He is the reason for the season

It is a time for presents and toys
Tales of Saint Nick
Tidings of joy
As we celebrate the miracle birth
Oh right here on this earth

He is the reason for the season
He is the light that shines on our lives
The baby Jesus born in God's grace
So we all might rejoice on this day
He is the reason for the season

He's the reason for the giving
The joy thats never ending
That comes on Christmas morning
in the eyes of a child
It's what it means to me and you
That's the true meaning of this time

Pretty much sums up how I feel about Christmas morning!  So much to be thankful for... a baby that changed everything... and a family that means more to me than words could ever express! 

I am blessed beyond measure! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Christmas Eve... So much fun rolled into one day! 

First, we head to Mimi and E's house for lunch.
And of course get together for some group photo opts...  :)

there are exciting moments when little ears hear that...
presents are ready to be opened...

Then we head to Grandmama's house for round two...
(And even more photo sessions are made!)

And more...

And just one more with Joey and Andrew... :)

And then more exciting news...
it's time to get home before the big guy comes to town!

Christmas is full of running around
and making stops here and there...

And I wouldn't change one thing about it! 

So many fun memories made!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jolly ole St. Nicholas

My most favorite visit of the year!!

There is a "Santa" that is dressed to the tee, sits on a sleigh in his front yard (a sleigh that is pulled by 9 trusty reindeer of course), and the best way to describe him...

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.
There is simply no better way to describe him!

He is, without a doubt, my MOST favorite Santa to visit!  He spends so much time seriously talking to the kids... asking them how good they've been and what they want him to bring them.  And not just what they want... he'll even ask what color they want of something.  He takes any picture you ask him to take and hugs each neck so sweetly!  He is just a dear man and makes the best of memories for my kiddos!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Christmas Star

Tonight was Lily's Christmas program at school.  I was a little worried at first because I know how Lily is when she thinks all eyes are on her... she's gets a little "camera shy" so to speak.  She puts her arm over her eyes and thinks that it will shield her from anyone watching her.  She's does that during soccer games, birthday songs, and when she has to go up to someone she doesn't know.  Now this is usually not the case with Lily!  Normally, she is my child that will speak to anyone, sings loudly, dances often, and never has a problem speaking her mind.  Just NOT when she thinks people are watching!  So needless to say, I thought I knew what was to come on the night of Lily's program. 

Boy was I WRONG! 

This little miss... the same little girl who can get so shy... shined so bright and was SO much fun to watch!  She knew all her moves for the songs, she knew all the words and sang them LOUDLY, and she had a big bright smile on the entire time!!

Such a fun night!

The star herself!

With Mimi...

With Grandmama...

With her teacher, Mrs. Brenda. 
This is the same teacher who taught ME
when I was Lily's age!
Such a sweet teacher who Lily LOVES to pieces!

With our girl!!

With her E! 
He wasn't able to come to her program the night before,
so he came to chapel the next day to watch his girl. 
Unfortunately, she didn't have the same "fire"
at 8 in the morning...
But she was SO glad he came to see her sing!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas with Friends

The Douglas-Erhardt-McKeithen Christmas Dinner!!

It started 10 years ago,
and has become a tradition ever since. 
We started back when Parker and Logan
were sweet little one year olds!

Now it's 10 years later... more kiddos added to the mix...
 and even more fun memories made!!!

Wouldn't trade this group of people for the world...
love them all!

Trying to keep a straight face... Parker missed this one. 
(That is the laugh he gives that makes me laugh so hard!)

going crazy...

some of my most favorite girls...

not many words to describe this... just a funny moment

special friends

Best friends...
(and you can bet that one day
this picture will be in each of their wedding videos!)

The kiddos (missing Maddie though) in their new hats

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Miss Lily... my sweet baby girl... how can you already be 4???  Where have all these years gone?  

I sit here tonight wondering how it has gone by so fast.  One day I was bringing you home from the hospital... and tonight I am tucking in a 4 year old!  I know one day when you have sweet babies of your own, you will understand... but it just simply blows my mind and I wish I had a way to make time slow down! 

One thing I know for sure... I cherish you sweet girl!  I have loved each and every moment I have been able to spend with you- all the times I could snuggle with you on the couch... all the times when you have made me laugh out loud... all the "I love you mommy's" and the "what'd you said" questions... I have loved listening to your stories about school and the boys who are only your friends- not your boyfriends... I have loved getting to see you walk downstairs in your pjs with that messy hair on your head... I have loved all the times I had to wake you up for school and you asked if I would lay with you in bed... and I've loved all the "will you scratch my back, my "oam" (arm), my leg, and my belly"... I could go on and on.
I have simply loved each and every thing about you sweet girl!  Sometimes being the youngest, it has been so hard for you to hear that you can't do certain things or you can't go certain places... but you have taken being the "baby" of the group very well!  Better than I did as a child.  You LOVE your sister and brother more than life itself... and boy, do they love you too!  You are one loved little miss and I know I am so lucky to be your mommy! 
Happy 4th birthday, sweet Lily!

All you wanted for your birthday was to go to Incredible Pizza.  So, of course that's where we all went to celebrate your special day! 
(But I lost major points in the Mommy department because I was so busy having fun with you that I didn't get any pictures! Loved having the fun, but BOO to not getting any pictures!) 

On your actual day, we had some neighbors over to have cake and ice cream!  A few more friends were supposed to come too... but the fever virus was going around and they were sick.  How do I know... because you got it the next day. :(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Egg Bowl!

Anyone who knows me understands that I am a "Rebel" by marriage.  I love going to the games... love getting to hang out with great friends... but I think it's safe to say that I do not bleed"red and blue".  With that being said... I know I am married to someone who does!  Ha!  Even if I don't go to every game with them... and I don't worry about their stats... I LOVE Ole Miss for the great times it has given my family! 

This year we all headed down to watch the Rebels take on Mississippi State!  A great time for all...even if they didn't come home with a win! 

It was definitely a win for me because everyone had so much fun!  :)

A group shot

Another sweet family... The Erhardts

And they score...

My three babies... who are not babies anymore! 

Special friends...

Lily Kathryn

Ava Larkin

Sweet Madison... such a silly girl this one is!

Lily sporting her Ole Miss spirit!

Funny man Drew!  He is hilarious!

Best Buds!! 

Daddy and sweet girl!