Saturday, November 27, 2010

Egg Bowl!

Anyone who knows me understands that I am a "Rebel" by marriage.  I love going to the games... love getting to hang out with great friends... but I think it's safe to say that I do not bleed"red and blue".  With that being said... I know I am married to someone who does!  Ha!  Even if I don't go to every game with them... and I don't worry about their stats... I LOVE Ole Miss for the great times it has given my family! 

This year we all headed down to watch the Rebels take on Mississippi State!  A great time for all...even if they didn't come home with a win! 

It was definitely a win for me because everyone had so much fun!  :)

A group shot

Another sweet family... The Erhardts

And they score...

My three babies... who are not babies anymore! 

Special friends...

Lily Kathryn

Ava Larkin

Sweet Madison... such a silly girl this one is!

Lily sporting her Ole Miss spirit!

Funny man Drew!  He is hilarious!

Best Buds!! 

Daddy and sweet girl!

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Funny Memory

Most people at know us, wouldn't think these pictures are too off base.  But for those that don't know the Larkins well... you may just think we're a bit crazy!  Such a funny memory!  Thanksgiving Day... Kendall, Katie, Kelsey and I started getting silly and we wanted to see how many pictures we could take around my mom and dad's house...

This is actually what started it all- Kendall and I started to laugh...usually that always leads to something funny!  We wanted to see how tight we could hug..

Then I wanted a picture with Kels...

Kendall wanted one too...

Now the next pair of sisters wanted to see how close they could get...

Now trying to find funny places to take a picture! 
(I don't think Mom and Lisa were too happy that we weren't helping in the kitchen...) 

in awe of "the tree"...

this was hilarious...
Matthew and Zach were looking at us like we were crazy....
hanging out by the banister...

getting ready for a dip in the pool...

ready to take the plunge...

with the "bugged-eye lady"...

Now Doll with the girls...

Now me with my favorite nieces...

now one more of all of us... love these girls!!!

Such a fun memory... it's probably safe to say that this will become a tradition.  :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Time!!

Thanksgiving has always been my MOST favorite holiday!  I love the family time... I love that the sole purpose of this holiday is to give Thanks for the many blessings God has given us... and I love the food.  (I know the last statement is true because I checked out of the hospital with Parker after only 36 hours just so that I could get home for my Granny's Thanksgiving Dinner!  Ha!!!) 

It's just a great time to be with the ones you love!
Love it!!

With my bestie... :)

:)  Don't know what I'd do without these ladies...

All the grandkids...

A group picture...

with sweet Manley
Ava with one of her most favorite people... Kelsey! 

Love her smile with all those teeth missing!  Too cute!

don't know where Lily is for this picture...
2/3's of my crew...
 with one of the funniest men I know...

sweet Matthew with his "E"!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Parker!

Parker Douglas... my sweet, sweet Parker...

How in the WORLD can you be 10 years old???  In some ways, I feel like you are just starting Kindergarten...but other days you make me feel like you are close to heading off to college. 

Words cannot express how much I love each and every one of my precious children!  Words cannot fully express how much I love having you for a son!!!

I remember bringing you home from the hospital... not knowing what I was going to do with a boy!  I've only been around little girls, and a baby boy was something new in my world.  But now I couldn't imagine a day without all the boyness that you bring to our lives!  Every year I will tell you the same thing- I love you to pieces... I couldn't imagine a day without you in my life... and that I am so thankful that God picked me to be your Mom!!!  Everyday I think you make me a better person...everyday you teach me something new... and everyday I look at you and know I was given a true blessing 10 years ago! 

Happy 10th birthday to one of the best boys I know!!!! 

As Grandaddy always told you...
I know you are going to do great things in your lifetime... and I CAN'T wait to see what they are!

I love you sweet boy!

As always... we headed to Shogun for your birthday dinner...
with my MOST favorite people..

the silliest group of kids...

Mimi and E

with Grandmama

And Deanne, Shane, and Andrew...

We had some neighbors over after school on your "real birthday for pizza and cake...

You also had Drew, Cooper, and Colin spend the night and you headed to Incredible Pizza...

And another night...Daddy took Zach, Ethan, and you to a Grizzlies game...

But guess what...I didn't get a picture!!!  Me... of all people... forgot to take a picture!!
Just wanted to make sure you remembered!!  :) 

I think it's safe to say that you had a GREAT 10th Birthday!! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Lucy!!!

Can't believe it's been a year since we got this silly girl!  It's been a very fun year with her... but also a few moments that made me wonder what we were thinking when we decided to get a dog.  Ha!  I've always been a huge dog lover, but never fully had to care for one by myself!  I've never had to pay for food... take care of baths...etc!  It's definitley been a learning process.  We are fortunate enough to have my cousin, Ryan, as our vet... so I have NO reason to complain in this area!  He makes house calls to give her shots and we get all our medicine for her at cost... so seriously... NO reason to complain.  But I could compain about the hair I have to clean daily... the smell of a "dog" when she comes in from outside...the flowerbed she has decided to dig in several times.  But in a funny way, I would compare her to one of my own kids... yes, there is sometimes a trail of dirty paws on my floor and nose marks on my windows... but I couldn't imagine our family without her!  She is always there to show love when someone needs it... she is always happy to see us... and she is so fun to play with!!  We love our sweet Lucy Liu!!!

Instead of giving her cake...
we figured she would appreciate a hamburger straight from the grill!!

I think we were hoping for too much...
I really wanted her to blow out her own candles... ha!

With her favorite people!!